Thanksgiving 2023

Thanksgiving 2023 at “The Castle”…

Big Blue on Craig and Laura’s driveway for our family celebration of Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 22, to Craig’s and Laura’s through Sunday.

The Holidays were upon us once again, and once again the family gathered together for the happy occasion.

Craig’s kids, Breanne and Brett, and Laura’s kids, Michael and Carly, were at their significant others’ places for the holiday. Hopefully, they’ll all be with us at Christmas.

Craig and Laura opened their home for our Thanksgiving, as usual.  Allen flew in from Denver to join us. Lavonne and I drove just 20 miles or so from our home to spend the following four nights on Craig’s driveway in our motorhome. Ashley and her children, Jeremy and Alexandra, would join us for the feast.

Lavonne and I arrived on Wednesday afternoon. Allen had arrived before us, having flown in from Denver. We enjoyed a delicious meal that evening, brought in from the local Dave Wong’s Chinese restaurant, thanks to Craig. Dave Wong’s is always a treat, and is probably the best Chinese food in all of Stockton.

Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, was busy as a beehive as our big dinner was being prepared. Most of the meal preparation was done by Craig and Laura, with Allen and Lavonne’s help.

Ashley joined us for Thanksgiving dinner, along with her lovely children, Jeremy and Alexandra. Ashley brought one of my favorite dishes, green bean casserole. Sam was also there, along with Sammy, the youngest member of our family.

Our Thanksgiving in photos (Click on any photo to see all photos and captions):

Click on either photo below to enlarge and read caption:


About FishWisher

Over the years I have posted many exciting fishing and boating stories here, but now in my seventies (oops, now 80s!), it was time to sell the boat and find less demanding pastimes. All the fishing stories are still here! I will now post my travels aboard the motorhome and other activities. I hope y'all will still enjoy the fishing and boating adventures and perhaps peek in on my post-boating activities on occasion. Thanks for dropping in and I hope you enjoy your visit.
This entry was posted in Travel: Craig's Castle, Travel: Other Family Gatherings. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Thanksgiving 2023

  1. Anonymous says:

    Dale, very nice pictures of your family!

    We had a nice T. Day here by ourselves and opted out of joining family because Jim doesn’t like driving at night! Not to mention the cost of the meal where daughter wanted it. Not to mention leftovers and the turkey soup I made with the carcass. LOL

    I pray that you and Lavonne are healthy and you two keep going for a long time and keep sending your family travel updates.

    Sandy Aerts

    • FishWisher says:

      Hi Sandy,

      Thanks for the visit. It’s always good to hear from you. Thanksgiving preparations, etc. for just the two of you is a whole lot easier, I’m sure. Goodness, the work that our kids (son Craig and his partner, Laura) put in for the family Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings is just phenomenal – but they’re both workhorses and don’t seem to mind. Lavonne and I do less and less as we get older, and I’m not complaining!

      As for our health, we both have our challenges, but we’re still enjoying life. Having woken up this morning on the green side of the lawn is encouraging! You two stay healthy and happy, and thanks again for the visit.

      – Dale

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