Another Farewell… This Time to Bro-In-Law John after 60 Years.

Friday, April 5, through Sunday, April 7:

After more than 60 years as family, it was time to bid my late sister’s husband, John, good-bye.

John passed on March 30 at 82 years of age, just over three years after the passing of the love of his life. He was married to my twin sister, Gale, for 58 years. Family and friends gathered in Gridley, California over the weekend of April 5th – 7th to remember him.

In preparation for the trip, I cleaned the coach inside and out over two days prior to our departure to Gridley on Friday.

Loading Big Blue for the trip to Gridley.

It is getting very difficult for this old man to keep things as neat and tidy as I like. Still, as long as I am able to enjoy driving and living aboard the coach, I intend to do so. If I have it my way, I’ll be RVing for many more years.

We would miss the graveside service because we drove to Gridley during that time. We attended the Celebration of Life the following day. 

John was interred next to Gale in the local Gridley – Biggs Cemetery during a Friday morning graveside service. A military ceremony during the service recognized his service to our country. John served four years in the U.S. Air Force, including service in Korea.

Click to enlarge photos and to read the captions:

The Celebration of Life took place on Saturday at the Christian Life Church in Gridley, where John and Gale attended when they lived there. During that service several friends and relatives of John spoke of his kindness and friendship. We all will miss John.

After the service, a huge meal was served by church members.

I had my share, probably more, of the country fried chicken which was accompanied by many side dishes. To find real country fried chicken, one must go out into the country, and that’s exactly where we were!

Thanks to the good folks who run the Christian Life Church, Lavonne and I were granted permission to spent both nights aboard Big Blue on the church’s parking lot.

The place was as quiet as any place could possibly be, and the nights were about as cold as I care to deal with. The low temperature during our stay was reported to be 36°.

I found diesel selling for “just” $4.40 per at a casino in Oroville, about an 18 mile drive from the church, in the opposite direction of home.

The price we paid for diesel was a dollar cheaper per gallon than the more expensive stations near our home. We drove the 36 miles to Oroville and back, and it was still worth it for a tank full of the “cheap” diesel.

The drive home was in lighter, Sunday traffic. We arrived home a few minutes after 1100 hours after an uneventful drive, which is just how we like it. 

I have plans to hit the road in May, possibly another Chicken Run to some far off chicken restaurant in a small town I have never heard of. Stay tuned.

About FishWisher

Over the years I have posted many exciting fishing and boating stories here, but now in my seventies (oops, now 80s!), it was time to sell the boat and find less demanding pastimes. All the fishing stories are still here! I will now post my travels aboard the motorhome and other activities. I hope y'all will still enjoy the fishing and boating adventures and perhaps peek in on my post-boating activities on occasion. Thanks for dropping in and I hope you enjoy your visit.
This entry was posted in Travel: Gale & John, Travel: Other Family Gatherings. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Another Farewell… This Time to Bro-In-Law John after 60 Years.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Dale and Lavonne,

    I was so sorry to read this.

    I send my condolences to you both. I know how much John meant to you two after the passing of your sister. He’s now with the love of his life, and she is also not in her wheelchair. They are both enjoying their life in Heaven.

    Thank you for posting this.

    Sandy Aerts

    • FishWisher says:

      Hi, Sandy,
      Thanks for your visit and your comment. In old age we see more and more of our friends and loved ones passing on. It’s certainly not all that pleasant.

      I have Big Blue about ready to hit the road, all serviced and etc. I think about the first of May, perhaps a bit earlier, I’ll head out on another chicken run. I can’t leave before the 21st of April which is our anniversary.

      Thanks again for the visit.

      – Dale

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